
Watch. Learn. Meet.

User groups, workshops, customer and partner events, and exhibitions.


AED Summit 2025

January 15th-17th, 2025
Hyatt Regency Orlando, 9801 International Dr, Orlando, FL 328919
Join TARGIT at the 2025 AED Summit in Orlando! Stop by Booth 1423 to hear about our specialized BI solution for dealers, and don’t miss the inspiring keynotes, presentations, and education sessions happening throughout this three-day equipment industry event.  

TARGIT User Group for kommuner

May 22nd, 2025 09:30 - 16:00
Munkebjerg Hotel Munkebjergvej 125 7100 Vejle, Danmark

Mød andre TARGIT-brugere og få ny inspiration.

Få værdifuld viden og erfaringer fra andre brugere til vores kommende TARGIT User Group. Det er en fantastisk mulighed for at lære, hvordan andre brugere anvender TARGIT med succes i deres organisationer, og hvordan det kan skabe mere værdi i din.