TARGIT Calculations

Date: November 12, 2024
Location and Time: Online, 2 hours, 13:00-15:00 EMEA CET.
Language: English
Price: 300 USD • 250 EURO • 1875 DKK

Master the TARGIT Calculations Syntax

TARGIT  Calculations  Expert


In this advanced online course, you’ll learn how to refer to individual columns, rows, and cells in your calculations. Plus, discover best practices for range references and if-then-else statements, so you can create efficient, accurate calculations. This online, instructor-led course includes hands-on exercises to help you get comfortable in TARGIT. Each course is limited to eight participants to foster live discussions and Q&A between the audience and instructor. 

This course requires basic knowledge of operating TARGIT as a Designer user 

2 hours

You'll Learn

✔ Range references
✔ If-then-else statements
✔ Calculations in Color and Visibility statements 

Your Dedicated TARGIT Instructor

Ole Dyring

Head of TARGIT University

A Workshop Customized for You

Every business is different, and so is every TARGIT workshop. We customize the experience to your team based on your goals, challenges, and how you ultimately want TARGIT to operate in your organization.