TARGIT Customers Roundtable

Heavy Equipment Dealerships

Your Experience Paves the Way for Others

Building the perfect data and analytics solution for your dealership is not only doable, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Everyone in this session has one thing in common with you: the power to build something great for your organization. It just happens that learning from other people who’ve done it before can help you get there faster.

Grab a seat at the table with fellow TARGIT customers to learn how to grow and scale your TARGIT solution within your dealership, as well as discuss other key areas to leverage your solution.

Join this session where we'll dig to the core of our customers' usage of the tool, so you can learn and get inspired by the talent and expertise of our brilliant customers.

Meet the Facilitators

Alina Westberg

Alina Westberg

Marketing Manager, TARGIT
Eric Wenham

Eric Wenham

Director Customer Success, TARGIT

Originally published April 2, 2021. Updated June 29, 2023