Customization and Expansion of Your Solution  


Easily customize and build on top of TARGIT's out-of-the-box solution, adding new reports, dashboards, and other elements based on your data and business needs.  

Add Additional
Data Sources

like your payroll system, CRM, and more. Connect TARGIT to virtually any source system with a database or an API. 


Create Custom Reports and Dashboards

using objects from our pre-built accelerator, or custom objects and triggers you define inside TARGIT Decision Suite. 


Build a View-Only Portal Environment

where users can view dashboards and KPIs in a user-friendly tool directly embedded in your website or company portal.


Understanding the Master Bus Matrix

A “Master Bus Matrix” is an overview tool for Microsoft Business Central's data warehouse. 

It's designed to help you understand the structure of the data warehouse in TARGIT's pre-designed solution. 

Bus Matrix Overview
The Master Bus Matrix clearly shows all the key pieces of information (Facts) and categories (Dimensions) and how they are connected.  
Facts represent quantitative data, such as sales figures or transaction amounts.  
Dimensions are the different ways you can categorize or filter this data, like by time, location, or product.