Van Mossel Belgium Uses TARGIT’s BI Solution to Simplify Report Generation and Increase Data Visibility

About the company

Van Mossel Automotive Group Belux has been present in Belgium and Luxembourg since 2019 through the acquisition of existing car dealerships that have served Belgium and Luxembourg for over 50 years. The company currently has approximately 2000 employees and 70 locations, including 12 repair shops in Belgium and 50 car dealerships representing various brands. Additionally, Van Mossel has several car leasing offices in Flanders and one leasing office in Namur. 

Their Challenges
  • Van Mossel wanted a reporting solution that could generate daily reports for finance, workshop, sales, lease utilization, and more.  
  • The automotive dealer also needed to eliminate the time-consuming, manual process of collecting data from their dealer management system (DMS).  
  • Finally, Van Mossel needs to extract actionable insights from comprehensive reports and then distribute those insights directly to relevant decision-makers across the organization.
How we helped
  • Provided an end-to-end business intelligence (BI) solution that pulls data directly from Van Mossel’s DMS, saving analysts time and effort while improving data quality.  
  • Equipped Van Mossel with automated reports for each department that outline key figures, measure progress toward goals, and provide a clear overview of performance.  
  • Improved data visibility by providing the dealership with reports and dashboards that can be sent to employees at every level of operations on a daily basis.
Each branch director now receives a summary with current figures and status updates every morning. Previously, we had to manually retrieve this information from our DMS system, which was not always consistent and was quite complex to manage. Today, every branch director receives this information directly in their inbox.
- Nico Verhulst, Chief Financial Officer, Van Mossel Belux

Streamlining Data Analysis in the Finance Department


The Van Mossel Automotive Group Belux manages 60 dealerships and workshops across Belgium and Luxembourg. To effectively run each location and ensure consistency between them, Van Mossel relies heavily on data from various dealer management systems (DMS) to analyze each store’s financials, track employee efficiency, measure the accuracy of repair orders, monitor leases and rentals, and much more. 

In the past, the dealer’s finance teams had to consolidate all this data by hand. Employees spent hours collecting data from various business systems and cleaning it up in preparation for analysis and report creation. The process was time-consuming and created a risk of human error since finance teams relied on spreadsheets and other manual tools to store all of Van Mossel’s critical information.  

Nico Verhulst, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Belux, explains that TARGIT Automotive’s end-to-end reporting solution dramatically transformed the finance team’s reporting process:

“Since the implementation of TARGIT, our finance teams have become significantly more efficient. They now receive data in a consolidated manner, eliminating the time-consuming process of data compilation,” Nico shares. “As a result, they can devote their time to analyzing the data instead of gathering it.”  

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Equipping Employees at Every Level With Decision-Leading Insights

Today, the finance team can focus on data analysis rather than tedious data collection. This allows them to generate reports quickly and accurately while also dedicating much of their time to strategic decision-making and more advanced analyses. According to Nico, “this shift contributes to both efficiency and the quality of our reports.” 

Reports and dashboards play a pivotal role at Van Mossel Automotive Group, providing up-to-date visibility into the company's various operations. Finance teams can now focus on in-depth data analysis while using TARGIT to equip the entire organization with comprehensive insights into operational efficiency, performance against targets, invoicing, turnover, and more.  

What’s more, TARGIT’s platform makes it easy for the finance team to share their results with employees at every level of dealership operations. Branch directors and managers now receive daily reports and status updates via email, allowing them to begin each workday with a clear overview of company performance — and the insights they need to prioritize their next steps.  

“Each branch director now receives a summary with current figures and status updates every morning,” Nico shares. “Previously, we had to manually retrieve this information from our DMS system, which was not always consistent and was quite complex to manage. Today, every branch director receives this information directly in their inbox.” 

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Preparing for the Road Ahead

As Van Mossel continues to grow across Belgium and Luxembourg, they rely on a high level of organization and data visibility to keep their dealerships running smoothly. Nico explains that accurate, up-to-date information is critical to business success.  

As a demanding company, we strive for thorough process organization. This is why accurate data is essential for effectively running our business, so we can accurately track the ins and outs of our company.” 

Moving forward, Van Mossel Belgium plans to expand its collaboration with TARGIT even further, taking the data that’s already available through various data source integrations and fine-tuning reports to meet their specific business needs. These reports will allow them to continue tracking the most valuable numbers in each department of their dealerships, repair shops, and leasing centers while also equipping managers and frontline employees with the latest business insights.

Originally published October 31, 2023. Updated May 23, 2024